Polished Stone Finish

Polished stone finish is a type of finish processed on the top surface of natural stone. Especially these finishes made natural stone a usable stone for indoor and other applications.

What is a Polish finish on Natural Stone.

There are various category of natural stone. Which are further used for many purposes. Either it is for decoration, flooring, wall cladding, Home decoration or ornamental use.

We are especially talking here about Natural stone used in Building for flooring and wall cladding.

Polishing is a process to make the stone surface smooth and glossy. Further for use in indoor and outdoor home and building.

How to Polish Stone Slab and Stone Tile

Natural Stone Slab and Tiles are first sliced into thin pieces of say 15mm, 20mm or 30mm thickness. Further after slicing of Stone slab and tiles these are further grinded. Especially the grinding process continue with the help of especial diamond abrasives. Moreover these diamond abrasives are available in different categories for polishing from normal gloss to maintain high glossy polish.

Please note that after first grinding the natural stone slab and tiles has to be first treated with resin to fill all the pin holes present in the stone. Especially this process boost the polishing process.

Finally grinding with various diamond abrasives with the help of machine on natural stone surface make it smooth and glossy.

How we can differentiate the polishing finish  (Polished Stone finish).

Marble carpet Pietra dura design

The question really worth the feeling. Everyone tell it is polish surface. Definitely there is a parameter for glossy polish, which is measured with the help of glossmeter.

Diamond take the highest gloss being a Precious stone.

Semi-precious stone are also high glossy. Measurement says 90 to 100 scale in glossmeter.

alaska yellow granite

Granite Alaska Yellow

Granite is a very hard rock and polished surface is measured between 85 to 90 in glossmeter.

Marble is a sober stone and harder than other stones like, Slate-Quartzite and Sandstone. Marble take a polish between 75 to 85 in glossmeter.

Hard Sandstone – Some of the hard sandstone also take good polish around 70. Such as Kandla Grey, Autumn Brown, Kota Blue, Kota Brown, Kota Black limestone.

Copper Polished SlateSlate-Quartzite are also processed for polished top surface, which is a met finish. Very smooth with low gloss.

Finally the Polish on different stone are mainly depend upon the strength and hardness of the stone.

If you have more questions about polished stone finish. Please call or write us to assist you with your query. Our motto full satisfaction of client before any purchase.

We deal in Natural stone used in building for home decor, floor and wall. Give us a chance to serve you. Moreover we are serving international stone market from last 27 years.



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  1. Pingback: Quick Tips to Select Natural Stone for Home and Garden

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