Indian Independence Day 15 August

Indian Independence Day 15 August

Indian Independence Day 15 August 1947

People of India have the nature to store for future. Indian People have treasures of Gold and worldwide known as “Golden Bird”.  In was looted many time by Mughal’s and Finally by British, who ruled for a long time. When Indian become united and understand the divide and rule policies of British. Finally we got freedom on 15th August 1947 and celebrate the Indian Independence day on 15 August Every Year.

Certainly 15 August in India is celebrated to remember the sacrifices of great Indian Hero’s. None of the Indian can forget their Contribution towards Indian Independence. Now Apart from remembering our hero’s and paying tributes to them. We encourage our youth to take a lesion from their life and become a powerful country in terms of Education, Technology and wealth.

Especially we thanks and appreciate our youths who are gaining Golds and Silver in every part of the life. Either it is Games, Space, Science and Technology or social relations.

We are proud to be an Indian.



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